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This is a supporting website for the libera channel #linux-beginners. Come on in, and stay awhile! You're welcome to ask any Linux-oriented question.

As of Tues, Mar 16, 2021, there is now a rules page, for the #linux-beginners channel on the Libera irc net.


I am planning to lead a session on beginning linux, think: what are the first 5 or 10 things you might do with the first linux you've ever installed?
I would liike to schedule this in 1 or 2 week's time; need a bit more information before doing so.


We're pretty small right now, and there are a few helpers and we're not always watching the channel, However, we do save whatever's been said long enough so that we might see your comments when we do look in.

When you ask a question, here are some ways to increase the chance you'll get a great answer:

  • Remain on the channel. We will see you.
  • Ask your original question (not "has anyone used xyz").
  • Be specific,
  • Add as many informative details as you can.
  • Please volunteer information, don't hold back. If the needed info is sensitive, we'll figure out a way, either provide the info in /msg, or provide a placeholder for it.
  • If someone asks you to read something, please do. If you're having trouble understanding the reading, let us know what you're not understanding specifically, and we'll help you.

Introductory text: Ten Steps to Linux Survival

An Interactive Tutorial


Linux Pocket Guide and Linux Pocket Guide: Essential Commands

Introducing Linux Distros

How Linux Works

In the works: a Bash Course

Channel Rules - On this page you will find the rules for the freenode channel ##linux-beginners.